How to view running queries in Sql Server

To see which queries are currently executing on a server, you can use this query:

SELECT sqltext.TEXT,





req.total_elapsed_time /1000 as 'Elapsed time, seconds',

req.total_elapsed_time /1000 / 60 as 'Elapsed time, minutes'

FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sqltext;



Query can be killed using this command:

kill session_id


Something tells me it’s not a great idea to use it, though.. need to read more on it.

How to attach a database with missing log file

To attach a database to Sql Server 2008 without a log file, use this command:

EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @dbname = 'dbname', @physname = 'c:SqlDatadbname.mdf'


This will work if there are no incomplete transactions in database.

In Sql Server 2005 log file would be automatically created when attaching database without one. Don’t know why this was changed.

Adding foreign key to an existing table with data in Sql Server

If adding a foreign key to existing table, and it returns with this exception

The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

and you’re positive the constraint should work, do it like that: first, create foreign key with nocheck option. This will add a constraint without checking data. Next, enable this constraint.


alter table tbl 

with nocheck

add constraint fk_UserId foreign key (UserId) references tbl2(UserId);


How to partition existing table in Sql Server

Ok, so you have a table which grew huge – way bigger than you’d like, and loading new data into it takes forever. Time to split it, so at least new data goes into new partitions.
So, say we have a table t, which contains 100 recods, and we want next records to go into different partition. We also want to keep the name.
Here are the steps. 
1. If the database is using a single file group, create new ones. Nice if they’re on a different disks, but it’s not necessary.
— create new file groups
–add new phisical files to database
NAME = fg_db_1_data, -- this you just make up in this step
FILENAME = 'c:SqlDatadb1.ndf'
) TO FILEGROUP fg_db_1;
Repeat this step if you want to create multiple file groups.
2. Create partition function.
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION pfFunc (int) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (100, 200, 300); -- values will be used to split data into different partitions; 3 values create 4 partitions.
3. Create partition scheme
CREATE PARTITION SCHEME partScheme1 AS PARTITION pfFunc TO ([PRIMARY], fg_db_1); -- [PRIMARY] will enable to use existing table. You must have as many partitions as number of splits made by function.
4. Rename the source table (say, new name is t1).
5. Create new partitioned table with same structure as t1 on partition scheme
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t](
[ID] [int] NOT NULL primary key,
Name [varchar](9) NULL
) ON partScheme1(ID)

— ID is the column that will be used to partition this table

6. Add check constraint to a source table t1. Say, if you’re splitting this table by id, then 
ALTER TABLE dbo.t1 ADD CONSTRAINT idLimit CHECK (id < 101) -- 101 because we're using RANGE RIGHT in partition function.
If we don’t do this – we’ll get this exception: ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints of source table allow values that are not allowed by range defined by partition 1 on target table
7. Add source table to new partitioned table
At this point you can drop the source table, so it doesn’t clutter the list – the data will remain in target table.
Note that you’ll have to recreate all the indexes you had in source table in target table.
To view how many rows per partiotion use this query:
To view range values:
Select, a.value from sys.partition_range_values a
inner join sys.partition_functions b on a.function_id = b.function_id
where name = 'pfFunc'

How to login to Ubuntu instance on EC2 using Putty.

Once you’ve created Ubuntu instance (I’ve used ubuntu-9.04-jaunty-base-64 image), it’s not really trivial to login. Below are the steps.


1. You have probably already created key pair on Amazon. If you didn’t – go to Amazon AWS management console, (, and create a new key pair.

2. Putty doesn’t accept this key as it is, it needs to be converted to a format useable by Putty. Using PuttyGen (puttygen.exe), do this:

Conversions -> Import key -> import key you’ve got from amazon (pem file) -> Save private key.

3. Open Putty, in host name enter public DNS name for the Ubuntu instance.

3.1. Go to SSH -> Auth, and choose key you’ve created in “Private key file for authentication” field. Click Open.

4. In “login as” prompt enter “root”.

